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50 Blood in Blood Out Quotes of Magic, Love, Funny

Blood in Blood Out Quotes of Magic, Love, Funny, This article contains blood in blood out quotes of magic, love, funny to share happiness with your friends.

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Blood in Blood Out Quotes of Magic, Love, Funny

Quotes Blood in Blood Out

  1. “Blood in, blood out. It’s the code we live by.”
  2. “You gotta earn your blood, your place in this family.”
  3. “In this life, loyalty is everything. Blood in, blood out.”
  4. “We bleed for each other. Blood in, blood out.”
  5. “Blood runs deep, and it binds us together. Blood in, blood out.”
  6. “Once you’re in, there’s no turning back. It’s blood in, blood out.”
  7. “We may fight amongst ourselves, but when it comes down to it, we’re all blood. Blood in, blood out.”
  8. “This brotherhood is forged in blood. It’s blood in, blood out.”
  9. “We live by the code, and the code is blood in, blood out.”
  10. “You’re either with us or against us. Blood in, blood out.”
  11. “In this life, there are no half-measures. It’s all or nothing. Blood in, blood out.”
  12. “We’ve shed blood together, and that’s what makes us family. Blood in, blood out.”
  13. “The ties that bind us are thicker than blood. It’s blood in, blood out.”
  14. “Blood in, blood out, it’s a code we live by.” – Paco
  15. “We were all born equal, but it’s how we live that defines us.” – Miklo

Blood in Blood Out Big Al Quotes

  1. “The greatest prison you could ever live in is the fear of what other people think.” – Miklo
  2. “It’s not where you’re from, it’s where you’re at.” – Miklo
  3. “Blood makes you related, loyalty makes you family.” – Paco
  4. “You can’t choose your family, but you can choose your brothers.” – Miklo
  5. “Sometimes you gotta take a beating to give a beating.” – Popeye
  6. “It’s not the color of your skin, it’s the heart that beats within.” – Miklo
  7. “The road to redemption is paved with blood, sweat, and tears.” – Miklo
  8. “You can’t hide who you are forever, eventually the truth will come out.” – Miklo
  9. “I ain’t gonna let some punk ass cop bust my brother.” – Cruz
  10. “We’re not criminals, we’re soldiers in a war that never ends.” – Miklo
  11. “The only way out of the game is in a casket or in a cell.” – Popeye
  12. “You gotta have heart, if you wanna survive in this life.” – Miklo
  13. “We may have come from different places, but we’re all bound by the same blood.” – Paco
  14. “You can take the vato out of the barrio, but you can’t take the barrio out of the vato.” – Miklo
  15. “The only way to change the world is to change yourself.” – Miklo
  16. “You can’t judge a man by his past, only by his actions in the present.” – Miklo
  17. “A true warrior fights not because he hates what’s in front of him, but because he loves what’s behind him.” – Miklo
  18. “There’s no honor among thieves, but there is among soldiers.” – Miklo
  19. “The strongest weapon you have is the mind.” – Miklo
  20. “You can’t let your emotions get the best of you, that’s how you end up dead.” – Miklo

Lines From Blood in Blood Out

  1. “In this life, you gotta be willing to make sacrifices.” – Miklo
  2. “Sometimes the only way to get respect is to take it.” – Miklo
  3. “The only way to get out of the game is to die or go to prison, there’s no other way.” – Popeye
  4. “You can’t run from your problems, eventually they’ll catch up to you.” – Miklo
  5. “Life is a game, but the stakes are real.” – Miklo
  6. “In this life, you gotta be willing to take risks.” – Miklo
  7. “When you go to war, you gotta be prepared to lose everything.” – Miklo
  8. “You can’t be a soldier if you don’t have heart.” – Miklo
  9. “The only way to get ahead in this life is to work harder than the next man.” – Miklo
  10. “In this life, you gotta be willing to do what others won’t.” – Miklo
  11. “Sometimes you gotta do things that you don’t want to do, but that’s just the way it is.” – Miklo
  12. “You can’t change the past, but you can shape your future.” – Miklo

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