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151 Funny Quotes About Fish

The whole article gives you funny quotes about fish so that you can create a moment and enjoy it.

funny quotes about fish
funny quotes about fish

151 Funny Quotes About Fish

Funny Fishing Quotes

  • “Fishing is a delusion entirely surrounded by liars in old clothes.” – Don Marquis
  • “Fishing is a tough job. Fishing at night. Rain. Daylight. Night. You have to be wise and smart and quick.” – Mariano Rivera
  • “The fishing was good; it was the catching that was bad.” – A.K. Best
  • “Fishing is much more than fish. It is the great occasion when we may return to the fine simplicity of our forefathers.” – Herbert Hoover
  • “I love fishing. You put that line in the water and you don’t know what’s on the other end. Your imagination is under there.” – Robert Altman
  • “Fishing is the sport of drowning worms.” – Unknown
  • “Fishing is like yoga, except I still get to kill something.” – Ron Swanson
  • “The fishing was good; it was the catching that was bad.” – A.K. Best
  1. “Give a man a fish, and he’ll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he’ll sit in a boat and drink beer all day.” – Unknown
  1. “If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there’d be a shortage of fishing poles.” – Doug Larson
  1. And here are 90 more funny fishing quotes:
  1. “There’s a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot.” – Steven Wright
  1. “I go fishing not to find myself but to lose myself.” – Joseph Monniger
  1. “Some go to church and think about fishing, others go fishing and think about God.” – Tony Blake
  1. “Fishing is a jerk on one end of the line waiting for a jerk on the other.” – Unknown
  1. “Fishing is a quest for knowledge about the world outside our own.” – Unknown
  1. “I once gave up fishing. It was the most terrifying weekend of my life.” – Unknown
  1. “Fishing is not an escape from life, but often a deeper immersion into it.” – Unknown
  • “I don’t exaggerate…I just remember big!” – Unknown
  • “I love fishing. It’s cheaper than therapy.” – Unknown
  • “Fishing is a disease for which there is no cure except happiness.” – Unknown
  • “The fishing was good; it was the catching that was bad.” – A.K. Best
  • “Fishing is a delusion entirely surrounded by liars in old clothes.” – Don Marquis
  • “If fishing is interfering with your business, give up your business.” – Sparse Grey Hackle
  • “The only reason I ever played golf in the first place was so that I could afford to hunt and fish.” – Sam Snead
  • “A bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at the office.” – Unknown
  • “The best time to go fishing is when you can get away.” – Unknown
  • “The fishing was great; it was the catching that was bad.” – Unknown
  • “Fishing is a lot like golf. You have to keep your head down, follow through, and hope for the best.” – Unknown
  • “Fishing is just a delusion wherein the fisherman thinks he is the fish’s delusion.” – Unknown
  • “Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.” – Unknown
  • “Fishing is a discipline in the equality of men – for all men are equal before fish.” – Herbert Hoover
  • “Bass fishing is a little like sex. It’s not always about the catch; it’s about the chase.” – Unknown

Fishing Funny Quotes

  • “If fishing is a sport, then I am an athlete.” – Unknown
  • “Fishing is like yoga, except I still get to kill something.” – Ron Swanson
  • “The fishing was good; it was the catching that was bad.” – A.K. Best
  • “Some go to church and think about fishing, others go fishing and think about God.” – Tony Blake
  • “Give a man a fish, and he’ll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he’ll sit in a boat and drink beer all day.” – Unknown
  • “Fishing is the sport of drowning worms.” – Unknown
  • “Fish tremble at the sound of my name.” – Unknown
  • “Fishing is like childbirth: you never forget the really big ones.” – Unknown
  • “There’s a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot.” – Steven Wright
  • “There’s a reason they call it fishing and not catching.” – Unknown
  • “Fishing is a jerk on one end of the line waiting for a jerk on the other.” – Unknown
  • “The best way to a fisherman’s heart is through his fly.” – Unknown
  • “I fish because the voices in my head tell me to.” – Unknown
  • “Fishing is the art of pretending to be busy while doing nothing.” – Unknown
  • “I fish because I have no control over the weather.” – Unknown
  • “Fishing is the sport of drowning worms.” – Unknown
  • “Fishing is not about the fish, it’s about the time spent together.” – Unknown
  • “Fishing is a tough job. Fishing at night. Rain. Daylight. Night. You have to be wise and smart and quick.” – Mariano Rivera
  • “I love fishing. You put that line in the water and you don’t know what’s on the other end. Your imagination is under there.” – Robert Altman
  • “Fishing is the chance to wash one’s soul with pure air. It brings meekness and inspiration, reduces our egoism, soothes our troubles, and shames our wickedness.” – Herbert Hoover
  • “I fish because I love to, because I love the environs where trout are found, which are invariably beautiful, and hate the environs where crowds of people are found, which are invariably ugly.” – Robert Traver
  • “If fishing is a religion, fly fishing is high church.” – Tom Brokaw
  • “If fishing is interfering with your business, give up your business.” – Sparse Grey Hackle
  • “Fishing is a quest for knowledge about the world outside our own.” – John Cole
  • “Fishing is a delusion entirely surrounded by liars in old clothes.” – Don Marquis
  • “Fishing is the sport of drowning worms.” – Unknown

Fishing Quotes Funny

  • “Fishing is much more than fish. It is the great occasion when we may return to the fine simplicity of our forefathers.” – Herbert Hoover
  • “There is no greater fan of fly fishing than the worm.” – Unknown
  • “The best time to go fishing is when you can get away.” – Unknown
  • “The fishing was great; it was the catching that was bad.” – Unknown
  • “Fishing is a lot like golf. You have to keep your head down, follow through, and hope for the best.” – Unknown
  • “I love fishing. It’s cheaper than therapy.” – Unknown
  • “If fishing is a sport, then I am an athlete.” – Unknown
  • “Fishing is a discipline in the equality of men – for all men are equal before fish.” – Herbert Hoover
  • “The fishing was good; it was the catching that was bad.” – A.K. Best
  • “Some go to church and think about fishing, others go fishing and think about God.” – Tony Blake
  • “Give a man a fish, and he’ll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he’ll sit in a boat and drink beer all day.” – Unknown
  • “Fishing is the sport of drowning worms.” – Unknown
  • “Fish tremble at the sound of my name.” – Unknown
  • “Fishing is like childbirth: you never forget the really big ones.” – Unknown
  • “There’s a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot.” – Steven Wright
  • “There’s a reason they call it fishing and not catching.” – Unknown
  • “Fishing is a jerk on one end of the line waiting for a jerk on the other.” – Unknown
  • “The best way to a fisherman’s heart is through his fly.” – Unknown
  • “I fish because the voices in my head tell me to.” – Unknown
  • “Fishing is the art of pretending to be busy while doing nothing.” – Unknown
  • “I fish because I have no control over the weather.” – Unknown
  • “Fishing is the sport of drowning worms.” – Unknown
  • “Fishing is not about the fish, it’s about the time spent together.” – Unknown
  • “Fishing is a tough job. Fishing at night. Rain. Daylight. Night. You have to be wise and smart and quick.” – Mariano Rivera
  • “I love fishing. You put that line in the water and you don’t know what’s on the other end. Your imagination is under there.” – Robert Altman
  • “Fishing is the chance to wash one’s soul with pure air. It brings meekness and inspiration, reduces our egoism, soothes our troubles, and shames our wickedness.” – Herbert Hoover
  • “I fish because I love to, because I love the environs where trout are found, which are invariably beautiful, and hate the environs where crowds of people are found, which are invariably ugly.” – Robert Traver
  • “If fishing is a religion, fly fishing is high church.” – Tom Brokaw
  • “If fishing is interfering with your business, give up your business.” – Sparse Grey Hackle
  • “Fishing is a quest for knowledge about the world outside our own.” – John Cole
  • “Fishing is a delusion entirely surrounded by liars in old clothes.” – Don Marquis
  • “Fishing is much more than fish. It is the great occasion when we may return to the fine simplicity of our forefathers.” – Herbert Hoover
  • “There is no greater fan of fly fishing than the worm.” – Unknown
  • “Fishing is a delusion entirely surrounded by liars in old clothes.” – Don Marquis
  • “If fishing is interfering with your business, give up your business.” – Sparse Grey Hackle
  • “Fishing is a quest for knowledge about the world outside our own.” – Unknown
  • “Fishing is a delusion entirely surrounded by liars in old clothes.” – Don Marquis
  • “Somebody just back of you while you are fishing is as bad as someone looking over your shoulder while you write a letter to your girl.” – Ernest Hemingway
  • “Most of the world is covered by water. A fisherman’s job is simple: Pick out the best parts.” – Charles Waterman
  1. “Fishing is not an escape from life, but often a deeper immersion into it.” – Harry Middleton
  1. “The best fisherman I know try not to make the same mistakes over and over again; instead, they strive to make new and interesting mistakes and to remember what they learned from them.” – John Gierach
  1. “The charm of fishing is that it is the pursuit of what is elusive but attainable, a perpetual series of occasions for hope.” – John Buchan

Funny Fishing Quote

  1. “Fishing is a jerk on one end of the line, waiting for a jerk on the other.”
  2. “The best time to go fishing is when you can get away with it.”
  3. “Give a man a fish, and he’ll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he’ll spend all his weekends in a boat drinking beer.”
  4. “I fish because the voices in my head tell me to.”
  5. “Fishing is a tough job. But I can’t think of any other job I’d rather have.”
  6. “I go fishing not to find myself, but to lose myself.”
  7. “Fishing: The art of pretending to be doing something productive while sitting in a boat and drinking beer.”
  8. “Fishing is like yoga, except I still get to kill something.”
  9. “Fishing is a game of patience, and I’m running out of time.”
  10. “There’s a fine line between fishing and standing on the shore like an idiot.”
  11. And here are 90 more funny fishing quotes:
  1. “If fishing is interfering with your business, give up your business.”
  2. “Fishing: A jerk on one end of the line waiting for a jerk on the other end.”
  3. “I fish because punching people is frowned upon.”
  4. “Fisherman’s prayer: Lord, grant that I may catch a fish so big that even I, when speaking of it afterward, may have no need to lie.”
  5. “A bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at the office.”
  6. “Fishing is the only sport where the equipment actually catches you.”
  7. “I fish because the voices in my head tell me to.”
  8. “The fishing was good; it was the catching that was bad.”
  9. “I fish to avoid the chores I should be doing.”
  10. “Fishing is the pursuit of what is elusive but attainable: a quiet spot in a crowded world.”
  11. “Fishing: A great excuse for sitting on a boat and doing nothing.”
  12. “Fishing is a tough job. But I can’t think of any other job I’d rather have.”
  13. “Fishing is a way of life. Anything less is just bait.”
  14. “I only fish on days that end in ‘y’.”
  15. “I fish because it’s cheaper than therapy.”
  16. “Fishing is just an excuse to be alone in nature with no witnesses.”
  17. “Give a man a fish, and you’ll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he’ll buy a boat and ignore his family.”
  18. “Fishing is like yoga, except I still get to kill something.”
  19. “I’m not addicted to fishing. We’re just in a very committed relationship.”
  20. “Fishing: The art of pretending to be doing something productive while sitting in a boat and drinking beer.”
  21. “Some people wait a lifetime to catch their big fish. Others just go to the grocery store.”
  22. “Fishing is not a matter of life or death. It’s much more important than that.”
  23. “I go fishing not to find myself, but to lose myself.”
  24. “There’s a fine line between fishing and standing on the shore like an idiot.”
  25. “Fishing is the sport of drowning worms.”
  26. “Fishing: The only sport where you can get drunk and still be considered a pro.”
  27. “The best time to go fishing is when you can get away with it.”
  28. “Fishing: The only sport where the equipment smells better than the fish.”
  29. “Fishing is a blend of patience, concentration, and the ability to untangle the world’s worst knots.”
  30. “Fishing is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna catch.”
  31. “The fishing was good; it was the catching that was bad.”
  32. “Fish: a creature that turns water into money.”
  33. “Fishing is a sport where the angler spends thousands of dollars on equipment just to make a worm look irresistible to a fish.”
  34. “Fishing is a game of patience, and I’m running out of time.”
  35. “Fish tremble at the sound of my name.”
  36. “I don’t always fish, but when I do, I catch the smallest fish in the lake.”
  37. “Fishing: The art of lying in wait for hours, only to have nothing to show for it but a sunburn.”
  38. “Fishing: A jerk on one end of the line waiting for a jerk on the other.”
  39. “Fisherman’s proverb: Give a man a fish, and he’ll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he’ll buy a boat and start telling lies about his catch.”
  40. “Fishing is the sport of drowning worms with style.”

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