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143 Funny Wednesday Quotes For Work, Memes, Inspirational

Funny Wednesday Quotes For Work, Memes, Inspirational, This article contains funny quotes Wednesday to wish your beloved once.

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funny wednesday quotes

Funny Wednesday Quotes For Work, Memes, Inspirational

Wednesday Funny Quotes

  1. “It’s only Wednesday? I thought it was Friday’s ugly cousin.”
  2. “Wednesday: the day when even my coffee needs coffee.”
  3. “I can’t adult today. Please don’t make me adult on a Wednesday.”
  4. “On Wednesdays, we wear yoga pants… and pretend to do yoga.”
  5. “Wednesday: halfway to the weekend and halfway to needing another weekend.”
  6. “If Monday and Tuesday had a baby, it would be Wednesday – neither here nor there.”
  7. “Wednesday: the day I start counting down to Friday again.”
  8. “I may not be a morning person, but I’m definitely not a Wednesday person.”
  9. “Wednesday: the day when reality hits and the weekend feels like a distant dream.”
  10. “Wednesday: the day when I question all my life choices leading up to this point.”
  11. “Wednesday: the day when I have to remind myself that caffeine is not a food group.”
  12. “On Wednesdays, we wear sweatpants and pretend we have our lives together.”
  13. “Wednesdays are like that one person who always shows up uninvited to the party.”
  14. “Wednesday: the day when I feel like I’m juggling chainsaws while riding a unicycle.”
  15. “I don’t need an alarm clock on Wednesdays; my internal dread wakes me up.”
  16. “Wednesday: the day when I contemplate changing my name and starting a new life in Tahiti.”
  17. “If Wednesday had a flavor, it would be a combination of burnt toast and lukewarm coffee.”
  18. “Wednesday: the day when I question if I even know how to adult properly.”
  19. “On Wednesdays, I like to pretend I’m a cat and take multiple naps.”
  20. “Wednesday: the day when I can’t decide if I want a hug or a punch in the face.”
  21. “Wednesday: the day when I fantasize about winning the lottery and never working again.”
  22. “On Wednesdays, I like to contemplate the mysteries of the universe… and why my stapler keeps disappearing.”
  23. “Wednesday: the day when I realize I should have taken that vacation day.”
  24. “Wednesdays are like that awkward middle child of the week – no one really pays attention to them.”
  25. “On Wednesdays, I like to pretend I’m a superhero and tackle the never-ending pile of paperwork.”
  26. “Wednesday: the day when my brain decides to take a vacation while I’m at work.”
  27. “If Wednesdays had a theme song, it would be ‘The Final Countdown’ by Europe.”
  28. “On Wednesdays, I like to wear my sunglasses indoors and pretend I’m a rockstar.”
  29. “Wednesday: the day when I curse the inventor of the 40-hour workweek.”
  30. “Wednesdays are like those jeans that look good on the rack but never quite fit right.”

Wednesday Quotes Funny

  1. “On Wednesdays, I practice my ‘I’m working really hard’ face while browsing the internet.”
  2. “Wednesday: the day when I can’t decide if I need a hug or a margarita.”
  3. “Wednesdays are like that annoying fly that keeps buzzing around your head, reminding you that it’s not the weekend yet.”
  4. “On Wednesdays, I like to channel my inner sloth and move at the speed of molasses.”
  5. “Wednesday: the day when I question why I didn’t become a professional nap-taker.”
  6. “If Wednesday were a person, it would be that overly enthusiastic coworker who insists on making small talk before you’ve
  7. “It’s Wednesday! I’m already halfway through my week of pretending to work.”
  8. “Happy Hump Day! Let’s climb this hill and slide into the weekend.”
  9. “I’m not saying Wednesday is the new Friday, but it’s definitely the ugly step-sibling of the week.”
  10. “Why is Wednesday called ‘Hump Day’? Because it’s all downhill from here.”
  11. “On Wednesdays, we wear pink… or at least we try to make it to the halfway mark of the week.”
  12. “It’s Wednesday. Time to stop making excuses and start making progress.”
  13. “Happy Wednesday! Remember, it’s not ‘Wine Wednesday’ until you actually get off work.”
  14. “Wednesday: when the week starts to feel like a drag and the weekend is still a distant dream.”
  15. “Why does Wednesday always feel like the longest day of the week? Maybe it’s because we’re halfway there, but not quite there yet.”
  16. “Happy Wednesday! May your coffee be strong and your workload be light.”
  17. “It’s Wednesday, aka ‘Winesday Eve.'”
  18. “Wednesday is the day we remind ourselves that we’re still surviving the week.”
  19. “Happy Wednesday! Let’s hope the rest of the week goes by as fast as the first half.”
  20. “Wednesday is like the middle child of the week – no one really pays attention to it.”
  21. “It’s Wednesday. Time to put on your big boy/girl pants and get things done.”
  22. “Happy Wednesday! The only thing that’s halfway about this day is that we’re halfway to the weekend.”
  23. “Wednesday: because you can’t spell ‘hump day’ without ‘ugh.'”
  24. “It’s Wednesday. If you’re not dancing like no one’s watching, you’re doing it wrong.”
  25. “Happy Wednesday! Just a friendly reminder that it’s still not Friday yet.”
  26. “Wednesday is the day we realize that we’re halfway through the week, but also halfway to Monday again.”
  27. “It’s Wednesday. If you’re not feeling it today, just remember that there’s always next week.”
  28. “Happy Wednesday! Let’s make the second half of the week better than the first.”
  29. “Wednesday: the day we start to see the light at the end of the tunnel… but it’s still pretty far away.”
  30. “It’s Wednesday, aka the day we start making weekend plans and pretending to be productive.”

Humor Funny Wednesday Quotes

  1. “Happy Wednesday! May your day be as wonderful as you pretending to work.”
  2. “Wednesday: when you realize you still have a lot of work to do, but you’re too tired to care.”
  3. “It’s Wednesday. If you can make it through today, you can make it through anything.”
  4. “Happy Wednesday! May your coffee be hot and your deadlines be far away.”
  5. “Wednesday: the day we start to feel guilty for not doing more earlier in the week.”
  6. “It’s Wednesday. Time to get over the hump and slide into the weekend.”
  7. “Happy Wednesday! Just a friendly reminder that it’s not too late to start pretending to be productive.”
  8. “Wednesday: the day we start counting down to the weekend… even though it’s still three days away.”
  9. “It’s Wednesday. Just keep swimming, just keep swimming…”
  10. “Happy Wednesday! May your day be filled with more coffee than meetings.”
  11. “Wednesday: the day we realize that we can’t call it a mid-week crisis if we haven’t been productive yet.”
  12. “Wednesday: The awkward middle child of the week.”
  13. “Wednesday: When you’re halfway to the weekend but still need a nap.”
  14. “Wednesday is like a speed bump on the road to Friday.”
  15. “On Wednesdays, we wear our ‘I can’t even’ shirts.”
  16. “Wednesday: The day we realize we haven’t completed anything on our to-do list yet.”
  17. “Wednesdays are for dreaming about the weekend.”
  18. “Wednesday: The day where the coffee cup is always half-full.”
  19. “Wednesday: The day we switch from ‘I can’t even’ to ‘I can probably do this.'”
  20. “Wednesday: The perfect time to start counting down to happy hour.”
  21. “On Wednesdays, we put on our superhero capes and tackle the rest of the week.”
  22. “Wednesday: The day where everything feels possible, but we still choose to procrastinate.”
  23. “Wednesday: The day where we pretend to work until we can leave for the weekend.”
  24. “Wednesday: The day we have a love-hate relationship with. We love it because it’s not Monday, but hate it because it’s not Friday.”
  25. “On Wednesdays, we wear our ‘Is it Friday yet?’ badges.”
  26. “Wednesday: The day where we contemplate starting a revolution to make it a three-day weekend.”
  27. “Wednesday: The day where we find out if we’re on track to accomplish our weekly goals or if we need to lower our expectations.”
  28. “On Wednesdays, we rock the ‘I survived Monday and Tuesday’ t-shirts.”
  29. “Wednesday: The day we can finally see the light at the end of the workweek tunnel.”
  30. “Wednesday: The day where our motivation takes a coffee break.”

Funny Quotes About Wednesday

  1. “On Wednesdays, we have a love affair with our snooze buttons.”
  2. “Wednesday: The day where we question our life choices and contemplate becoming a professional napper.”
  3. “Wednesday: The day where we battle the urge to crawl under our desk and take a nap.”
  4. “On Wednesdays, we celebrate making it through the first half of the week with cake and sarcasm.”
  5. “Wednesday: The day where we try to remember what we were supposed to accomplish this week.”
  6. “Wednesday: The day where we tell ourselves, ‘I can adult… tomorrow.'”
  7. “On Wednesdays, we embrace our inner sloth and take it slow.”
  8. “Wednesday: The day we consider changing our job title to ‘Professional Procrastinator.'”
  9. “Wednesday: The day where we question if the weekend actually exists or if it’s just a myth.”
  10. “On Wednesdays, we channel our inner Wednesday Addams and embrace our dark humor.”
  11. “Wednesday: The day where we start mentally preparing our weekend escape plan.”
  12. “Wednesday: The day where we contemplate if it’s socially acceptable to wear pajamas to work.”
  13. “On Wednesdays, we dance like nobody’s watching because we’re too tired to care.”
  14. “Wednesday: The day where we’re not sure if we’re going forward or just doing the electric slide through the week.”
  15. “Wednesday: The day where we bribe ourselves with snacks to make it to the end of the day.”
  16. “On Wednesdays, we embrace our inner Grumpy Cat and give the world a side-eye.”
  17. “Wednesday: The day where we try to remember if we actually did anything productive this week.”
  18. “Wednesday: The day where we contemplate starting a petition to add a second Saturday
  19. “Wednesday: Halfway to the weekend, halfway to insanity.”
  20. “Wednesdays are like the middle child of the week: often forgotten but always there to annoy you.”
  21. “On Wednesdays, we wear a confused expression, wondering where the week is actually going.”
  22. “Wednesday: the day when even coffee needs a coffee.”
  23. “Wednesdays are like a bad hair day for the week.”
  24. “If Wednesday had a face, I would probably give it a high-five… and then ask it for Friday’s number.”
  25. “Wednesdays are like the awkward middle-aged cousin of the week.”
  26. “Dear Wednesday, you’re not exactly my favorite, but at least you’re not Monday.”
  27. “Wednesday: the day we start counting down to the next weekend.”
  28. “Wednesday is the day when I feel like I need a personal assistant just to get through it.”
  29. “Wednesday: the official day of procrastination.”
  30. “On Wednesdays, we have a love-hate relationship with the snooze button.”

Funny Wednesday Inspirational Quotes

  1. “If Wednesday had a tagline, it would be ‘Hump Day: halfway there, but still so far away.'”
  2. “Wednesday is like a speed bump in the middle of the week: it slows you down but doesn’t stop you.”
  3. “Wednesdays are proof that even the calendar plays tricks on us.”
  4. “I don’t always dread Wednesdays, but when I do, it’s because Monday and Tuesday happened.”
  5. “Wednesday: the day when the struggle is still real, but the weekend is in sight.”
  6. “Wednesdays are like a dance party without the music; you just have to find your own rhythm.”
  7. “If Wednesday had a personality, it would be a mix of ‘I can do this’ and ‘I need a nap.'”
  8. “Wednesdays are the midweek slump that requires an extra dose of humor to survive.”
  9. “On Wednesdays, I like to pretend I’m a superhero: saving the day one coffee at a time.”
  10. “Wednesday is like a mirror reflecting back the tiredness of Monday and Tuesday.”
  11. “Wednesdays are for embracing the chaos and laughing in its face.”
  12. “Dear Wednesday, can you please stop pretending to be important? We all know you’re just a wannabe Friday.”
  13. “On Wednesdays, we wear our ‘I survived Monday and Tuesday’ badges with pride.”
  14. “Wednesday: the day when everything feels like a ‘Why is this happening to me?’ moment.”
  15. “Wednesdays are the training wheels of the week: still wobbly, but getting there.”
  16. “If Wednesday had a theme song, it would be ‘I Will Survive’ by Gloria Gaynor.”
  17. “Wednesdays are like a rollercoaster ride: thrilling at times, but you can’t wait for it to be over.”
  18. “Dear Wednesday, can you please hurry up and pass the baton to Friday? Sincerely, Everyone.”
  19. “On Wednesdays, we have a love affair with coffee; it’s the only thing that gets us through.”
  20. “Wednesday is the day when my brain goes on a coffee break, leaving me to fend for myself.”
  21. “Wednesdays are like a maze; you’re not sure if you’re going forward or in circles.”
  22. “If Wednesday had a catchphrase, it would be ‘Is it Friday yet?'”
  23. “On Wednesdays, we wear our tiredness like a badge of honor.”

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